SDIMI 2007 Presentations

Presentations for Keynote Session

Monday 09:00-10:00, Keynote Session, Chairs: Michael Karmis, Virginia Tech, Emmanuel J. Voulgaris, “Milos Conference Center – George Eliopoulos”

Sustainable development at Rio Tinto, P. Chiaro

Strategic drivers of the mining industry: From enclave production to industrial clusters, P. van der Veen, G. McMahon

The Sustainable Development Charter, Greece, E. Vidalis

Presentations for Track A: SUSTAINING RESOURCE AVAILABILITY: policy, research, and applications (technical papers and panel discussions)

Monday 11:30 – 13:00: Definitions and Policies in Resource Use and Supply, Chair: Per Nicolai Martens, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Raw Materials Supply Issues in the European Union, P. Anciaux and H. Pietersen

Mineral Policy in the Era of Sustainable Development: Historical Context and Future Content, D. Shields, S. Solar, M. Miller

Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, W. Bosmans

Determinants of Mineral Supply and Depletion Issues – Case of Fossil Fuels, K. Al-Rawahy

Monday: 14:00 – 15:30: Theories and Models towards Understanding Sustainability, Chair: Deborah Shields, USDA Forest Service, USA

Material Stewardship – Best Practices in the Mining & Metals Industry, K. Brady and C. Bocher

National Minerals Policy Practices: Key to Minerals Supply in Europe, H. Wagner, G. Tiess, S. Solar and K. Nielsen

Tuesday 09:00 – 10:30, Promoting Sustainability via Research, Education and Leadership, Chair: Hans-Sierd Pietersen, European Commission A New Internet E-Learning Resource on Sustainability, J. Pflieger and R. Hambleton

Integrating Sustainable Development Principles into Educational Process, K. Al-Rawahy

A Process for Stakeholder Education and Engagement in Sustainable Energy: The Carbon Sequestration Case, M. Karmis, N. Ripepi, M. Radcliffe, B. Altizer

Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability, J. Paunkovic and N. Paunkovic

Tuesday: 14:00 – 15:30, Ensuring Environmental Sustainability, Chair: Dan Hellige, Caterpillar Global Mining, USA

Pan-European Underground Drainage Water Management Research Centre – A Contribution to Sustainable Water Management in Europe, H. Hejny and M.L. Faull

The ECOMINING Platform Accomplishment for the Promotion of Romanian Research and Innovation Potential, Gy. Deák, St. Deák, D. Georgescu and M. Zlagnean, M.S. Gaman and Z. Seprödi

Assurance Methods: A Welfare Analysis, J. Roufagalas and G. Santopietro

Sustainable Development Approach of the Perama Hill Gold Project, G. Markopoulos

Wednesday 08:30 – 10:30: Applying Sustainability in Coal Mining, Chair: Hans Naumann, Marshall Miller & Associates, Inc., USA

Integrating Sustainability in Coal Mining Operations, J.R. Craynon and M. Karmis

Coal in the EU Energy Power. Current Challenges and Barriers to Cleaner Coal Power, K. Kavouridis and N. Koukouzas

Evaluation of Nonrenewable Lignite Resources by Means of Sustainability Indicators, N. Speh and I.Veber

Sustainability Indicators for Lignite Open Cast Mines of Greek Public Power, Corporation S.A. in Ptolemais Area of Western Macedonia, Greece, I. Tsolas, G. Pagonis, L. Patmanidou and A. Sokratidou

A Geostatistical Study of Lignite Spatial Variations in the Multilayer Deposit of the Amyndeo Mine in Northern Greece, A.Pavlides, D.T. Hristopulos, Z. Agioutantis, K. Kavouridis and Ch. Roumpos

Wednesday 11:00 – 13:00, Applying Sustainability in Stone and Aggregate Quarrying, Chair: Andrea Blengini, Italy

Measuring Sustainability of Building Aggregates by Means of LCA Tools, V. Badino, G.A. Blengini and K. Zavaglia

Evaluation of the Environmental Performance of the Natural Stone Industry Based on Sustainable Indicators, C. Zografidis, K. Adam, I. Christodoulou and J. Orfanoudakis

Life Cycle Analysis of Dimensional Stones Production, M. Taxiarchou and I. Kostopoulou

Sustainability of Stone Quarrying in Protected Environment: The Case Study of Adamello Brenta Natural Park (Trento Province, Italy), M. Fornaro and E. Lovera

Crushed Stone Quarry Fines use for Structural Devices Production, R. Candia, R.B. Santos, W.T. Hennies, L. Soares, and I.Guimarães de Almeida

Monday 16:00 – 17:30, Panel Discussion I: Ensuring Sustainable Supply: A Shared Responsibility, Chairs: Deborah Shields, Principal Mineral Economist, USDA Forest Service , USA and Hans- Sierd Pietersen, DG Enterprise & Industry, EU Commission, Belgium


  • Athanassios Kefalas, Operations Manager, Bentonite Division and Milos Site Manager, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A., Greece
  • John Craynon, Chief, Division of Regulatory Support, Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement, U.S. Department of Interior, USA
  • Kevin Brady, Director, Five Winds International, Canada

Presentations for Track B: SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS: information in support of capacity building (technical papers and panel discussions)

Monday 11:30 – 13:00, Country Perspectives on Mineral Sustainability, Chair: Dirk Van Zyl, University of Nevada , USA

African Mining Observatory (AMO): An Initiative to Support a Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources in Africa, G. Récoché and A. Chamaret

Connections in the Goldmining Sector of Burkina Faso, S. Luning

Tools for Sustainable Management of Gold Resources in Greece, N.D. Arvanitidis

Sustainable Development Indicators for the Greek Industrial Minerals Sector, K. Valta, K. Komnitsas, and M. Grossou-Valta

Monday 14:00 – 15:30, New Sustainability Indicators, Chair: Nikos Arvanitidis, IGME, Greece

Measures of Innovativeness as Indicators of Sustainability, P.M. Godinho

Development of Sustainability Indicators for the Assessment of Alternative Management Systems of Spent, Portable Batteries, K. Adam, N. Voudouris, F. Chalkiopoulou, C. Zografidis, and I. Vassilopoulos

Equipment Reliability: An Indicator for Sustainable Development in Mining, N. Vayenas

Tuesday 09:00 – 10:30, Innovation in Sustainable Development, Chair: John Craynon, Office of Surface Mining, USA

Mineral Dust Emissions Generated in Norwegian Surface Mineral Production – Sources, Requirements and Monitoring Programmes, H.T. Mikkelsen and T. Myran

Sustainable Drilling for Oil and Gas: Challenging Drilling Environments Demand New Formulations of Bentonite Based Drilling Fluids, V. Kelessidis

Recovery Silver and Gold by Direct Oxidative Pressure Cyanidation, J.R. Parga , J.L. Valenzuela, H. Moreno and D.L. Cocke

Examples of Mitigating the Post-Mining Impacts of Surface Coal Mining Eastern Coal Fields, USA, H.E. Naumann, H.E. Swisher, E.J. Laporte

Tuesday 14:00 – 15:30, Sustainable Management of Practices, Processes and Wastes, Chair: Carol Russell , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency , USA

Proactive Safety Practices at S&B Industrial Minerals S.A., M. Stefanakis

A Study on Best Available Techniques for the Management of Stone Wastes, G. Papantonopoulos, M. Taxiarchou, N. Bonito, K. Adam and I. Christodoulou

Linking IBA’s and Project Management – A Case Study, S. Moutsatsos, V. Kazakidis and J. Fowler

The Residual Radioactivity Influence Monitoring From Technological Wastes For Chemical Fertilizers Factories With Soil And Plants From Bordering Areas, Gh. Crutu, C. Manea, G. Groposila and N. Groza

Wednesday 08:30 – 10:30, Aspects in Reclamation and Rehabilitation, Chair: Ioannis Paspaliaris, NTUA, Greece

Rehabilitation of Disturbed Areas by Mining Activities in High Floristic Diversity Areas: The Case of Mt Giona, G. Brofas, P. Trigas, G. Mantakas, G. Karetsos, C. Thanos, K. Georghiou and Chr. Mermiris

Development of Indicator Based Revegetation SDSS in Areas Affected by Mining Activities, X. Zhu, D. Li and K. Komnitsas

Study of Fauna in a Bauxite Mining Area in Central Greece, A. Sfougaris

The Effect of Phytotechnic Treatment on Establishment and Survival of Different Grass Species and Cultivars at a Limestone Quarry, E.M. Abraham, Z. Koukoura and P. Kostopoulou

Factors Affecting Tree Growth in Bauxite Mining Wastes, K. Tsiouvaras, A. Kyriazopoulos, A. Karagiannidis, P. Rakimbei, N. Barbayiannis and V. Keramidas

Wednesday 11:00 – 13:00, Sustainability Indicators for Mining Projects, Chair: George Markopoulos, Thracean Mines, Greece

Sustainability in Small Scale Mining, P.N. Martens, J.B. Pateiro-Fernández and S. Speer

Benchmarking and Sustainability Indicators for Surface Mining Operations, C. Roumpos, F. Pavloudakis and M. Galetakis

Sustainability Indicators for Mineral Sands Mining in Virginia, USA, W. Lee Daniels, Z.W. Orndorff, M.M. Alley, L.W. Zelazny and C. Teutsch

Technological Innovation as an SDI for the Minerals Industry, Z. Nivolianitou

Opening of Talc Deposit in Gemerská Poloma – Slovakia, J. Engel, M. Cehlar and P. Rybar

Tuesday 11:00 – 12:30, Panel Discussion II: Integrating Sustainability in Capacity Building Chairs: Dirk Van Zyl, Chair, Department of Mining Engineering, University of Nevada-Reno, USA and Chris Moran, Director, Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry, The University of Queensland, Australia


Presentations for Track C: SOCIAL ASPECTS OF SUSTAINABILITY: meeting shareholder and stakeholder expectations (technical papers and panel discussions)

Monday 11:30 – 13:00, Community Engagement and Information Sharing, Chair: Kay O’Regan, Earthwatch Institute, UK

Value Creation from SD Indicators – For Mining Companies, Communities and Policy-Makers, E. Turner and M. Tost

Measuring What Matters: Monitoring the Contribution of a New Mining Project to Community Sustainability, D. Brereton and C. Pattenden

The Office of Surface Mining’s “Reclaim the Future!” Initiative, S. Rideout, Jr. and J. Craynon

The Minerals Industry and Sustainable Development. Are We Talking to the Right People – Are We Sending the Right Message?, K. Nielsen

Monday 14:00 – 15:30, Social License to Mine and CSR, Chair: David Brereton, The University of Queensland, Australia

Research Studies on Building Social License within Mineral Exploration, J. Nelsen and M. Scoble

Cumulative Impacts of Coal Mining on a Regional Community, C. Moran, D. Brereton, G. McIlwain and J. McIntosh

The Corporate Responsibility Rating of the Metals & Mining Sector, K. Rüter

Drivers of Reputation in the Australian Mining Industry, J. Tuck

Tuesday 09:00 – 10:30, Linking Community Capacity to Sustainable Development, Chair: Gavin Hilson, The University of Manchester, UK

Sustainable Regional Development – A New Way to Build Prosperity for Indigenous People in Australia, J. Gawler

Giving Back to the African People: Fostering Rural Community Development Through Mineral Development Funds, S.A. Shahnawaz

An Integrated Multi-Criteria Approach to Enhancing the Business Value of Community Investment at Mine Sites, A.M. Esteves

Rethinking Capacity Building, K. Konialis, K. Komnitsas and Z. Agioutantis

Tuesday 14:00 – 15:30, Sustainability Evaluation, Chair: Julia Pflieger, Stuttgart University, Germany

Sustainability Indicators for Mining Projects: Assuring a Representative Diversity of Stakeholders and Issues. Application to the Uranium Mines in Arlit (Niger), A. Chamaret, M. O’Connor, and G. Récoché

Evaluation of Resource Management Plans in Nevada Using Seven Questions to Sustainability, D. van Zyl, J. Lohry, and R. Reid

European Environment Agency – Ex-post evaluation of aggregate taxes, D. Legg, G. Dige, M. Mazzanti, S. Paleari, R. Zoboli, M. Herczeg, R. Bleishwitz, M. Skovgaard, H. Leveson-Gower

Wednesday 8:30 – 10:30, Sustainability Reporting, Chair: Kevin Brady, Fivewinds

Making Company Sustainability Reporting More Efficient: Web-Based Collection, Analysis and Reporting of Sustainability Data Using the Software System SoFi, T. Motzer, A. Saraev, J. Gediga and J. Pflieger

Balancing the Costs and Benefits of Government and Corporate Sustainability, S. Solar and D. Shields

Third Party Certification as an Emerging Form of Regulation in the Minerals Industry, P. Schiavi and G. Lawrence

Wednesday 11:00 – 13:00, Post-Mining Land Use Issues, Chair: Kostas Kavouridis, TUC, Greece

Premature Mine Closures – Causes and Effects, D. Laurence

Alternative Uses of Rehabilitated Mine Land, M. Papasotiriou and G. Petrakis

Towards a Framework for the Sustainable Use of Legacy Mine Land in Queensland , Australia, R. Worrall, D. Neil, D. Brereton and D. Mulligan

Recultivation and Resettlement in the Rhenish Lignite Mining Area – Stakeholder Dialogue as an Important Element of Sustainable Development, M. Eyll-Vetter and P. Eysel

Sustainability in Mineral Industry through the application of Biotechnology, V. Angelatou

Tuesday 16:00 – 17:30, Panel Discussion III: Stakeholders Expectations, Chairs: Kay O’Regan, Corporate Partnerships Manager, Earthwatch Institute (Europe), United Kingdom and David Brereton, Director, Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM), The University of Queensland, Australia


  • Rena Koumantou, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility & Communication, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A., Greece
  • Kirsten Gollogly, Adviser – Sustainable Development | Communications and External Relations, Rio Tinto Minerals, United Kingdom
  • Gavin Hilson, Lecturer, International Development, Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Presentations for Conclusions Session

Wednesday, 13:00-14:00, Conclusions, Chairs: Michael Karmis, Virginia Tech, USA and Per Nicolai Martens, Rheinisch Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany.
