Monday -‐ July 13th, 2015
Opening Session; Session Chair: Zach Agioutantis
Musqueam Elder Larry Grant
SDIMI Conference Series – Zach Agioutantis
Milos +12 -‐ Deborah Shields, Zach Agioutantis and Mike Karmis
Keynote – Critical Raw Materials: the European perspective, Gian Andrea Blengini [European Commission, DG JRC, Ispra]
Session 1: Rare Earths; Session Chair: Malcolm Scoble
Overview on China’s Rare Earth Industry Restructuring and Regulation Reform, L. Shen, [Key Lab for Resources Use and Environmental Restoration (RUER), Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing]
Building a New Assessment Tool for Potential Rare Earth Underground Mining Projects, G. Barakos, [Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Freiberg], and H. Mischo, [Institute for Mining and Special Civil Engineering, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg]
Sustainable Sourcing of Rare Earth Elements, K. Long, [U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson, AZ]
Rare Earth User Costs in China and Their Implications, B. Zhou, C. Chen, Z. Li, N. Hu, C. Li and Y. Zhao, [Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Beijing]
A New Tool for Geopolitical Assessment of REE Projects, S.N. Kamenopoulos, [School of Mineral Resources Eng., Technical University of Crete, Chania], Z. Agioutantis, [Department of Mining Eng., University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY], K. Komnitsas & P. Partsinevelos, [School of Mineral Resources Eng., Technical University of Crete, Chania]
Session 2: EU Session; Session Chair: Deborah Shields
INTRAW -‐ Developing New Opportunities on the International Cooperation on Raw Materials, E. Hartai, [Institute of Mineralogy and Geology, University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Egyetemváros], V. Correia, [European Federation of Geologists, Brussels] and Z. Agioutantis, [Department of Mining Engineering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY]
Integrating Economic Deep Mining with Community and Environment – Results of the I²Mine Project, H. Hejny, [Mineral Industry Research Organisation – MIRO, Wellington House, Starley Way, Solihull]
Life-‐Cycle Data Network: Contribution to an Improved Knowledge Base on Raw Materials and Critical Raw Materials, G.A. Blengini, M.S. Frazio, J. Dewulf, F. Mathieux and D. Pennington, [European Commission, DG JRC, Ispra]
The Sustainable Development Strategy of the German Hard Coal Mining Industry, J. Kretschmann, [TFH Georg Agricola zu Bochum, Bochum]
Minatura Project, H. Hejny, [Mineral Industry Research Organisation – MIRO, Wellington House, Starley Way, Solihull]
Plenary Session
CSR -‐ What is Next, Ian Thomson
Session 3: Governance and Community Aspects; Session Chair: Michael Hitch
Corruption and the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative, E. Papyrakis, [International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam], and Emma Gilberthorpe [School of International Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich]
Work and Relationship Satisfaction in the Mining Industry, C.J. McShane and K. Kanakis, [James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland]
An investigation into the impact of the “Use-‐It-‐or-‐Lose-‐It” principles introduced in South Africa’s Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act of 2002, on the sustainability of mining in the platinum sector, J. Scholtz and P.M. Bredell, [University of Pretoria, Pretoria, Gauteng]
Mitigating Boom and Bust: Creating a Sustainable Economy Independent of Extractive Industries in Rural Communities, R. Barickman & C. Lessard [Eagle Mine, Champion, and S. McFaul, SEF Canada Ltd., Vancouver]
Strategies to Promote Women Participation in Mining, D. K. Tesh & H.K. Musiyarira, [Department of Mining and Process Engineering, Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek], and G. Dzinomwa, [Paasol Resources (Pvt) Ltd, Harare]
Session 4: Leading Practices and SD; Session Chair: Nadja Kunz
A New Overview of Coal Mining in Antioquia from the Optic of Sustainable Development, O. Bustamante, K. Ocampo, R. Meneses, [Instituto de Minerales CIMEX, Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Antioquia], J. Loaiza and G. Cano, [Secretaría de Minas, Gobernación de Antioquia, Medellín, Antioquia]
Development of Regional Systems of Innovation to Improve the Sustainability of Mining Industry, G.A. Aristizábal and O.J.Restepo, [School of Mines, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Antioquia]
Research and Participatory Science in Achieving Sustainable Development in Mining and Energy Development Projects, J. R. Craynon and M. E. Karmis, [Virginia Center for Coal and Energy Research, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA]
Can We Limit TDS Discharge from Appalachian Coal Surface Mines? W.L. Daniels, C.E. Zipper, W. Orndorff and D.K. Johnson, [Department of Crop & Soil Environmental Sciences, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA]
Feasibility study for a Fairtrade Gold Centre of Excellence Programme, R. Stocklin [Weinberg] and A. Stockwell, [Miller, Preiswerk, Vancouver]
Tuesday July 14th, 2015
Morning Session; Session Chair: Deborah Shields
Introduction and Welcoming
Keynote -Evolving Approaches to Promoting Social and Environmental Responsibility in the Extractive Sector, Jeffrey Davidson, Canada CSR Counsellor
CIRDI and IM4DC -‐ An Update on Two Federally Funded Resource Industry Centres
Developing and empowering leaders and coalitions to achieve change in mining for development, M. Gondwe, [IM4DC, David Parker, CIRDI]
First Nations Panel Discussion; Facilitator: Anne Marie Sam
Grand Chief Edward John (Akile Ch’oh), [Tl’azt’en Nation]
Dave Porter, [BC First Nations Energy and Mining Council]
Dough White, [Centre for Pre-Confederation Treaties and Reconciliation]
Social License Panel; Panel Chair: Jim Cooney
Jim Cooney introduced the term “social license” into the discussion of mining and sustainable development, when he made a presentation in March 1997 at a World Bank Conference on “Mining: the Next Twenty-Five Years”. Since then the term has acquired broad use within the mining industry, government, academia, the consulting community, and non-‐governmental organizations. Not everyone agrees, however, on the meaning of “social license”, or even on whether it is a useful concept. This panel will explore a range of perspectives on “social license” and its possible implications for exploration and mining projects.
Susan Joyce, [On Common Ground Consultants, Inc.]
Wayne Dunn, [Professor of Practice in CSR, McGill University]
Sheldon Tetreault, [Guerin Tetreault & Associates]
Joe Ringwald, [President & CEO, Selwyn Resources]
Session 5: Mining and Communities; Session Chair: Rick Blake
Biodiversity Management and Enhancement at the New Afton Mine, S. Davidson and L. Holdstock, [New Afton Mine, Kamloops]
Mine Closure Planning of the New Afton Mine with the Stk’emlupsemcte Secwepemc Nation, B. Collins, and D. van Zyl, [Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver]
Fly in Fly Out and Family Life: Observations from An Australian Remote Mine Site, M. Pfaffl, C.J. McShane, K. Kanakis, [James Cook University, Townsville]
Conflicts Resolution in Mining Development using Good Neighbor Agreement, A. Masaitis, and G. Miller, [University of Nevada, Reno, NV]
The Effective Roles of Company and Local Government on Facing Mine Closure: The Business Diversification and Regional Industrialization in the Joban Case of Japan, N. Shimazaki, [Waseda University, Tokyo]
Sustainable Development and the Construction Phase: Digging Deep into the Risk of Contracts and Contractor Behaviour, J. Shandro, [Monkey Forest Consulting Ltd. and Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, Vancouver], T. Kalinowsky, T. McLaughlin, and G. MacDonald, [Monkey Forest Consulting Ltd.]
Session 6: Mineral Education and SD; Session Chair: John Craynon
Community Engagement as Means of Insuring Sustainability of Minerals Education, D. G. Dzinomwa, [Paasol Resources (Pvt) Ltd, Harare], D.K. Tesh & H.K. Musiyarira, [Department of Mining and Process Engineering, Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek]
Social Risk in the Extractives Sector -‐ Do Miners Need New Skills to be Successful, J. Fraser and A. Xavier, [Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver]
Educating Managers and Leaders for Sustainable and Socially Responsible Mining in Africa, J. Broadhurst, J. P. Franzidis, S. Harrison and H. von Blottnitz, [Minerals to Metals Initiative, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Cape Town]
Embedding Sustainable Practices into a Mining Engineering Degree: A Ballarat Perspective, M.A. Tuck, Associate Professor of Mining Engineering, [School of Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Federation University Australia, Ballarat]
EITI Sub-‐National Reporting: Comparative Perspectives of Mongolia, B. Batdorj, J. Brasnett, C. Costa, J. Fraser, J. Kwan, H. Li, B.M.N. Parizeau, D. Prasad, M. Ramirez, L. Ruan, C. Toepell, S. Zimmerling, J. Dierkes and D. van Zyl, [University of British Columbia, Vancouver]
An Innovative Solution to Enhancing the Mining Curriculum, S. Houlding, M. Reinoso, EduMine, Vancouver, and M. Scoble, [Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver]
Wednesday July 15th, 2015
Morning Session; Session Chair: Glenn Gemerts
Introduction and Welcoming
Sustainable Development in Mining Practice, David Parker, plus other Panelists, TBC
Global Energy Minerals and Markets Dialogue, Jessica Bratty, [GEMM]
Mid-Morning Session; Session Chair: José Lee
Lana Eagle -‐ The Importance of Early & Meaningful Aboriginal Engagement in BC’s Mineral Exploration Sector
The Milos + 12 Addendum and Mining’s Contribution to the SDGs, Deborah Shields and Zach Agioutantis
Terry Gray, WorldVision -‐ Lessons Learned from Partnering with the Extractive Sector
Invitation to Beijing 2017, Z. Li
Session 7: Water in Mining; Session Chair: Bern Klein
Sustainable Mine Water Management: A Case Study of Namibia’s Uranium Industry, H. Musiyarira & D.K. Tesh [Department of Mining and Process Engineering, Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek], and G. Dzinomwa [Paasol Resources (Pvt) Ltd, Harare]
LowTech, Low-Cost Water Solutions: How to Reach the Last 10% who don’t have Access to Clean Water? B. Nichols, [University of British Columbia, Vancouver], K. Wagoner, R. Pillars, Potters for Peace and A. Xavier, [University of British Columbia, Vancouver]
Catchment-Based Water Management in the Mining Industry: Challenges and Solutions, N. Kunz, [Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Dübendorf]
Panel: Bern Klein, [Potters for Peace], Silvana Rosario Huanqui, TBC
Session 8: Mining and Communities; Session Chair: Jennifer Broadhurst
The Need for Public Support for Mining Projects: Case Studies from Romania, Chile/Argentina, Kenya and India, S.B. Bumtseren, D.S. Stokes, A.K. Kuyuk, J.N. Nava and U.B. Baskurt, [Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver]
Planning It Right: A Value‐Focused approach to Responsible Mining and Indigenous Planning In Post Tsilhqot’in Decision British Columbia, C. Carter, [SCARP – School of Community and Regional Planning, University of British Columbia, Vancouver] and M. Scoble, [Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver]
Reputation and Property Rights in the Mining Industry, J. Tuck, [Federation University Australia, Ballarat, Victoria]
Determining the Socio-Economic Factors Imperative to Enhancing the Participation of Women in the Extractive Resources Sector in Papua New Guinea, L. Bennett, [Women in Mining, Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum]
How to Select the Most Appropriate Indicators for Sustainable Mining – A Case Study of Sangan Iron Ore Mines (SIOM) in Iran, J. Kretschmann, [TFH Georg Agricola zu Bochum, Bochum], and R. Amiri, [Institute of Mining Engineering I, Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen]
Session 9: Leading Practices and SD; Session Chair: Janis Shandro
Substance Flow Analysis and Mineral Policy: The Case of Potash in Thailand, K. Sakamornsnguan, [Institute of Mining Engineering I, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen], and J. Kretschmann, [TFH Georg Agricola zu Bochum, Bochum]
Assessment of Rehabilitation Completion Criteria for Mine Closure Evaluation, M. Blommerde, R. Taplin, and S. Raval, [The Australian Centre for Sustainable Mining Practices, School of Mining Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney]
The challenges of investing and strengthening relationships with Canada and Mongolia, B. Batdorj, M. Hitch and A. Xavier, [Norman B Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver]
Certification and Due Diligence in Mineral Supply Chains – Benefit or Burden? , P. Schütte, [Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Bujumbura], G. Franken, [Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover], and P. Mwambarangwe, [Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Kigali]
Risk Management in the Extractive Sector, K. Ramji, [Donovan & Company, Vancouver]
Session 10: Environmental, Social and Legal; Session Chair: Muza Gondwe
Development of a Mathematical Model for Particle-Droplet Interaction for Dust Control, J.G. Swanson and C. Negoita, [Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls]
Environmental Impact Indicators and Mining Method, S. Murakami, T. Takasu, A. Masuda, [The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo], E. Yamasue, [Kyoto University, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto], and T. Adachi, [Akita University, Akita-shi, Akita]
Promoting Sustainable Artisanal Mining in Africa: The Case of Rwanda, Chilenye Nwapi, [Canadian Institute of Resources Law, University of Calgary, Calgary]
Land and Mineral Rights in Uganda: A Reform Agenda, B. D. Binyina, [Africa Centre for Energy and Mineral Policy] and N. Hasci, [World Bank]
A Journey Toward Local Content Regulation For Better Extractive Industry Governance, Lessons Learned from Gumas District, D. Anggraeni, [Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta, Indonesia]